Madrid is picturesque and alive, and everything you've heard. But to me, it was intimidating. Every time I left my hostel, I got lost. The streets are curved, and they all look exactly the same.

I also refused to take out my map in an effort to look less like a tourist, which I'm sure was a contributing factor to my persistent state of confusion. I was also trying to change dollars into euros (not a fun conversion, by the way, it's about 1.5 dollars to 1 euro), and the first four banks I visited told me they wouldn't change my money because I didn't have an account with them. But, I finally found a bank that would, so that ordeal is over. Anyway, it wasn't all bad. In fact, most of it was great. I just got an overload at the beginning of all those 'issues' that foreigners have: getting lost while carrying all my luggage, waiting in a really long line that turns out to be the wrong line, going the wrong way on the metro, etc.
I had some BOMB churros & chocolate.

I found the Museo Nacional Centro de Arta Reina Sofía, and Picasso's Guernica, and DALÍ (esp. this one, called The Great Masturbator).

The museum was massive and incredible, and I found a botanical garden with tons of adorable stray cats to wander around in for the rest of the day.

So, Madrid was fun. I would love to go back. I'm certain I will go back.. but hopefully I'll be a little less foreign the next time around. I'm not quite as worldly as I would like to think.